Maximizing property performance with Monitoring-Based Commissioning

November 28, 2023

The quest for optimal building efficiency has led the commercial real estate industry to embrace Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx), a paradigm shift from traditional commissioning methods. MBCx is not just an innovation—it's a comprehensive approach to ensuring that buildings perform at their best, long after the ribbon-cutting. This blog post delves into the nuances of MBCx, exploring its benefits, challenges, and future outlook in the realm of commercial real estate.

Understanding Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx)

Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) is an advanced process for optimizing the performance of building systems through continuous data collection and analysis. Unlike traditional commissioning, which is a quality-focused process typically conducted at the completion of a building project to ensure it meets the specific requirements of the owner, MBCx extends beyond the initial phase into the building's operational lifecycle.

It involves the implementation of specialized sensors and control systems that monitor energy consumption, environmental conditions, and system operations to identify opportunities for energy savings and performance enhancements.

Historical context and evolution in commercial real estate

Commissioning in commercial real estate has evolved significantly over the past few decades. Initially, it was a process conducted primarily to validate that building systems were installed and functioning as per the design intentions. This approach was largely static, with assessments typically happening during building handover or after major refurbishments.

However, as building technologies advanced and sustainability became a priority, the need for a more dynamic form of commissioning emerged. This led to the development of MBCx, which extends the traditional commissioning practice into a continuous, data-driven process. The evolution of MBCx is a response to the increasing complexity of building systems and the growing demand for energy efficiency and sustainability in commercial real estate.

Key components of Monitoring-Based Commissioning

  • Sensors: MBCx relies heavily on sensors installed throughout a building. These sensors continuously gather data on various parameters like temperature, humidity, energy consumption, and equipment performance. This data forms the backbone of the MBCx process, providing the necessary insights for optimization.
  • Analytics: The data collected by sensors is analyzed using sophisticated software. This analysis can identify trends, anomalies, and areas for improvement. Analytics in MBCx goes beyond mere data collection, offering predictive insights and actionable intelligence.
  • Continuous improvement: Perhaps the most critical aspect of MBCx is its focus on continuous improvement. Unlike traditional commissioning, which is a finite process, MBCx is iterative. It involves regularly using the data and insights gained to make incremental improvements in building performance. This approach ensures that the building remains efficient, responsive to occupants' needs, and adaptable to changing conditions.

Differentiating MBCx from traditional commissioning methods

The primary difference between MBCx and traditional commissioning lies in their scope and duration. Traditional commissioning is often a one-off project, focusing on ensuring that systems are working as per their design at a specific point in time. In contrast, MBCx is an ongoing process that adapts and responds to the building's operational realities over time.

Traditional commissioning methods might overlook long-term performance degradation or changes in building usage, whereas MBCx continuously monitors and adjusts for these factors. This dynamic approach of MBCx not only ensures optimal performance but also leads to significant energy savings, enhanced occupant comfort, and prolonged equipment life.

In summary, MBCx represents a more holistic, data-driven, and adaptive approach to building commissioning, aligning with the modern demands of commercial real estate management.

Benefits of MBCx for commercial real estate

Energy efficiency and cost savings

One of the most immediate and measurable benefits of MBCx is its impact on energy efficiency and cost savings. By continuously monitoring and optimizing building systems, MBCx identifies inefficiencies and areas of waste. This real-time data allows facility managers to make adjustments that reduce energy consumption, leading to significant reductions in utility costs. Additionally, this proactive approach often results in the avoidance of costly repairs and downtime, as potential issues are addressed before they escalate into major problems

Improved building performance and occupant comfort

MBCx goes beyond just saving money; it significantly enhances the performance of building systems, which in turn improves the comfort levels for occupants. A well-tuned building operating under an MBCx program maintains consistent temperatures, optimal air quality, and appropriate lighting levels, all of which contribute to a more comfortable and productive environment. Furthermore, by preventing and quickly resolving system issues, MBCx ensures that building operations are smooth, and disruptions are minimized, thereby improving the overall user experience.

Enhanced building automation and control

With MBCx, commercial buildings become smarter and more responsive. Advanced sensors and control systems allow building managers to automate processes based on real-time data, making buildings more adaptive to both the external environment and internal demands. For instance, an MBCx system can automatically adjust ventilation in response to the number of occupants or weather conditions, enhancing the efficacy and responsiveness of building management practices. This level of automation not only saves time and resources but also enables more precise control over building operations.

Long-term sustainability and environmental impact

In today's world, where sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority, MBCx plays a crucial role. By optimizing energy usage and reducing waste, MBCx contributes significantly to the reduction of a building’s carbon footprint. This not only aligns with global environmental goals but also with the growing demand for green, sustainable buildings in the commercial real estate market. In the long term, MBCx is not just a tool for cost reduction; it's an essential component in the journey towards more sustainable, environmentally friendly buildings. 

This is directly in line with global sustainability and efficiency standards like NABERS and LEED, which aim to promote sustainability in the built environment. Achieving high ratings in these certification programs not only demonstrates environmental responsibility but also enhances the property's reputation and market value.

In essence, the adoption of MBCx in commercial real estate brings a multitude of benefits that extend from the immediate financial to the broad societal. It represents a significant step towards more intelligent, responsive, and responsible building management and positions commercial real estate as a leading player in the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

Challenges and considerations of implementing MBCx in your property

While the benefits of Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) in commercial real estate are substantial, it's essential to recognize and prepare for the challenges and considerations that come with its implementation. Here’s an overview of the key factors property owners and managers should consider.

Initial capex and setup costs

One of the primary challenges in implementing MBCx is the initial investment required. Setting up a comprehensive MBCx system involves not just the purchase of hardware like sensors and control systems, but also the software needed for data analysis and management. Additionally, the integration of these new systems into existing infrastructure can incur further costs. These expenses can be significant, especially for larger properties or older buildings that may require more extensive retrofitting. Property owners need to evaluate the long-term ROI against these initial costs and consider creative financing or incentive programs that might be available.

Complexity of integrating MBCx with existing systems

Integrating MBCx into existing building systems can be complex, particularly in older buildings or those with outdated technology. The challenge lies in ensuring that new MBCx technologies are compatible with existing systems and can communicate effectively with them. This integration is crucial for the seamless operation of the MBCx system and requires careful planning and execution. It often necessitates a phased approach, starting with a comprehensive audit of current systems to identify potential integration points and challenges.

Need for specialized skills and training

The deployment of MBCx systems requires a certain level of expertise in both the technology itself and its application within the context of building management. Property owners and managers may need to invest in training for their staff or hire new personnel with the necessary skills. Understanding the intricacies of data analysis, system calibration, and continuous optimization is crucial for the effective management of MBCx. This need for specialized skills can be a hurdle, especially for smaller operations with limited resources.

Ongoing maintenance and data management

Finally, the successful implementation of MBCx is not just about installation and setup; it requires ongoing maintenance and data management. This includes regular updates to software, troubleshooting hardware issues, and continuously analyzing data to make informed decisions about building operations. The dynamic nature of MBCx means that it's not a "set it and forget it" solution; it needs continuous attention and adjustment to ensure it functions optimally and delivers on its promise of improved efficiency and performance.

Emerging trends and future outlook for Monitoring-Based Commissioning

As the commercial real estate sector increasingly embraces technology and sustainability, Monitoring-Based Commissioning is poised to play a pivotal role in this transformation. Let's look at the emerging trends and the future outlook for MBCx in this dynamic landscape.

Technological advancements influencing MBCx

Advances in technology are significantly shaping the future of MBCx. The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been a game-changer, with smart sensors and connected devices providing real-time data on every aspect of a building’s operation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and building analytics software take this data and turn it into actionable insights, allowing for more predictive and adaptive building management. These technologies not only enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of MBCx but also open new avenues for innovation in building commissioning.

Growing emphasis on sustainability and green buildings

Sustainability is no longer an optional feature in commercial real estate; it's a necessity. There's an increasing demand for green buildings that minimize environmental impact while maximizing energy efficiency. MBCx plays a pivotal role in this shift, offering a practical pathway to achieving sustainability goals. By continuously optimizing building performance, MBCx directly contributes to reducing carbon footprints, a key aspect in certifications like LEED and BREEAM. This trend towards sustainability is expected to further accelerate the adoption of MBCx.

Predictions for MBCx evolution in commercial real estate

The future of MBCx in commercial real estate looks promising and dynamic. It is anticipated that MBCx systems will become more autonomous, leveraging AI for more sophisticated analysis and decision-making. The potential for integration with smart city infrastructures could also redefine how buildings interact with their broader environment. As technology advances, MBCx is expected to become more accessible, with scalable solutions for buildings of all sizes.

Why now is the time to implement Monitoring-Based Commissioning

The convergence of technological advancements and the push towards sustainability makes this an ideal time to implement MBCx. For property owners, beginning now means staying ahead in a competitive market, ensuring compliance with evolving environmental regulations, and reaping the benefits of enhanced efficiency and cost savings.

Utilizing platforms like CIM’s PEAK can significantly boost the efficiency of MBCx implementation. PEAK’s sophisticated analytics and user-friendly interface streamline the process of monitoring and optimizing building performance, making it easier for property owners to transition into this advanced approach to building commissioning.


Embarking on the MBCx journey represents a strategic leap toward future-proofing commercial real estate assets. It’s an investment in technology and methodology that pays off in energy efficiency, enhanced building performance, and sustainability—qualities that are becoming increasingly non-negotiable in today’s market. With platforms like CIM’s PEAK enhancing the efficiency and ease of implementing MBCx, there's no better time than now to embrace this transformative approach. It's a step towards a smarter, more sustainable future in commercial real estate management.

Ready to elevate your building's performance? Start with CIM's PEAK Platform today.

Kateryna Dmytriyeva
November 28, 2023