Optimum Start/Stop (OSS) programs reduce time schedules if comfort conditions are met, a function available in most modern Building Management Systems (BMS). However, when not correctly implemented, they can have the opposite effect of “optimally” starting a piece of equipment and end up running or stopping equipment when it shouldn’t be, with a bottom line impact on building performance.
Despite having a modern BMS capable of facilitating the OSS program at a highly rated Melbourne office building, the PEAK Platform identified that it was not correctly implemented across five of the eight major Air Handling Units (AHUs). Consequently, the units were starting half an hour earlier than necessary, resulting in energy drift.
The OSS misconfiguration prompted by a PEAK alert was swiftly addressed via the platform's in-built workflow module (Figure 1). The issue was raised by the Facilities Manager and tuned by the HVAC contractor, with start times adjusted to align more precisely with comfort requirements. The optimised OSS program implementation achieved projected HVAC energy savings of up to 10%, and a base building reduction in consumption of at least 7%.
To learn more about optimizing energy efficiency and enhancing occupant comfort in your own building, request a callback from one of our experts today.