Case Studies
Success Stories
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CIM wins

Success Stories

A collection of wins made possible by our team and the PEAK Platform.
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AHU fault at university detected and resolved via PEAK

PEAK continues to deliver value at a busy Sydney university. PEAK Alerts recently detected that a faulty AHU had stopped working, facilitating its resolution.
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PEAK spots water leakage missed by building's water monitoring system

PEAK identifies high water consumption, reveals monitoring issue, enables efficient resolution, proving its multifaceted utility.
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Resolving OSS program misconfiguration for improved energy efficiency

PEAK Platform detects and corrects OSS program misconfiguration, optimizing energy savings in Melbourne office building.
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Monitoring indoor environment conditions to protect ratings and minimise complaints

An office site's indoor environment conditions have improved dramatically since deploying PEAK.
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Identifying Early Morning AHU Operation as a threat to 6 Star rating

Identifying early morning operation of AHU's drives operational effieicny at a 6-Star rated office building.
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Intervening to prevent dangerously high CO2 levels

PEAK's monitoring prevented the potentially devastating impacts of high CO2 levels.
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Solving Excessive Dehumidification Uncovers Unusual Anomaly

CIM's PEAK platform recently uncovered an air handling unit being controlled by two BMS systems, maintained by two maintenance contractors.
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Identifying Temperature Control Issue Results in Energy Savings

CIM's PEAK platform recently uncovered a temperature deviation issue which was immediately fixed, resulting in significant energy savings for a micro electronic manufacturing client.
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Optimising the effectiveness of night purge

As part of CIM's continuous monitoring of a retail centre in Western Australia, PEAK detected an inefficiency in the night cooling process.
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Catching Faulty Sensor Results in Significant Savings

Solving this issue resulted in a potential annual saving of 63,145 kWh in wasted energy for a leading micro electronics manufacturer.
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Substantial Savings Through Proactive Engagement

A tier one life science manufacturer achieved a sustained reduction of 12.5kW electrical power demand and a reduced demand on thermal requirements from this quick fix.

Powering property teams in these world leading companies.